
The online world is now an integral part of our lives and it is essential for children, parents and staff to understand about internet safety. These are our school internet rules agreed with the children and we advise parents to discuss them at home so that children grow up being fully aware of how to keep themselves safe online.


Our Internet Use Rules

These rules help us to be fair to others and keep everyone safe.

  • I will only look at or delete my own files and folders.

  • If I see anything that makes me unhappy or worried I will use the CEOPS/Hectors World dolphin to freeze the screen while I talk to a teacher

  • I will not try to use internet chat and social networking sites at school.

  • I understand that I must never give my home address or phone number or arrange to meet someone that I do not know.

  • I understand that if I deliberately break these rules I may not be allowed to use the internet or computers and my parents will be told.


Online-Safety Resources and advice for Parents:

  • Child Exploitation and Online Protection Services: Advice, support and guidance for all users of the internet and mobile technologies                                           

  • thinkuknow.co.uk/parents - Excellent site offering all levels of e-safety support & advice          

  • Childnet                                                                                                                                    

  • NSPCC                                                                                                                                  

  • Childline                                                                                                                                      

  • The Children's Society 
