Our Curriculum at Heelands
We aim to make learning as exciting and stimulating as possible and deliver the national curriculum through topics or themes that we know children will enjoy. We believe this thematic approach helps children to make links between subjects and gives them the opportunity to practise their literacy, mathematical and computing skills in a child-focused context. Topics range from the ever-popular Pirates to Space to Dragon Tales and to geographical themes like Africa and the Rainforest. Every area of the curriculum is encompassed within the theme and children are given lots of opportunity to develop research and enquiry skills and encouraged to continue this at home through their Homework Journals.
Structural Learning
We use Structural Learning to enhance critical and creative thinking. The process helps children form an idea of something abstract in their mind. Cognitive building bricks are used to help students organise their thoughts and construct meaningful knowledge. The strategy promotes creativity and critical thinking by engaging pupils in connections making exercises.
If you wish to find out more about the curriculum, you can speak to our class teachers, key leaders or send an email to: office@heelands.org